Secret Seven benefits of naked woman

The clothes and sleep, is habit. However, when the naked has become a fashion, you also consider whether to abandon shy, try to strip and sleep, a good experience something "Sleeping Beauty," the transcendent experience of it. Here we come to a big revelation for the naked, to see a woman naked concrete What are the benefits!

Secret Seven benefits of naked woman

The study found that not only can sleep naked body stretch and comfortable, and is also good for health.

1. Naked pleasure to give you comfort

Lifted the naked body of bondage, to give you the thrill of unfettered freedom, and help enhance the secretion of sweat glands in the skin, help skin excretion and regeneration. In favor of the regulation of nerve, adapt and help enhance immunity.

2. Naked can relieve tension

Naked on the efficacy of the treatment of diseases of high tension, tension especially abdominal visceral nervous system is easy to get rid of, but also to promote blood circulation, chronic constipation, chronic diarrhea, and back pain, headaches and other diseases a greater degree of improvement .Meanwhile, insomnia naked people will have a pacifying effect.

3. Naked pain can be cured

Great freedom when naked body, muscles can effectively relax the tension on the efficacy of the treatment of diseases is extremely high, especially in tense abdominal visceral nervous system is easy to get rid of, but also to promote blood circulation, chronic constipation, chronic diarrhea and back pain, headaches and other diseases a greater degree of improvement.

Nursing naked private parts

4. Protection naked private parts

Not only naked people feel warm and cozy accident, even a common gynecological physiological menstrual pain and low back pain has also been reduced. After the past due to cold hands and feet and could not sleep for women to take naked way, will soon be able to sleep.

Female genital humid all year round, if there is adequate ventilation can reduce the likelihood of suffering from gynecological diseases.

5. Naked cure insomnia

Naked for insomnia will have some soothing. No clothes bondage, the body naturally relax, blood flow, cold hands and feet to improve the situation of some help to enter deep sleep.

6. Naked to lose weight

Because human skin can secrete and exude some chemicals, if the clothes and sleep, it will undoubtedly hinder evaporation normal skin to "breathe" and sweat clothes on muscle oppression and friction will affect the blood circulation.

Naked kind of unfettered freedom of pleasure, so get a good blood circulation, skin full breath, accelerate fat consumption, contribute to weight loss.

Naked to beauty

7. Naked to beauty

Without isolation of clothes, exposed skin can absorb more nutrients, promote metabolism, strengthen secretion of the sebaceous glands and sweat glands, sebum excretion and favorable regeneration, there is a transparent skin feeling.

Naked requirements:

Naked, does not mean that simply took off his underwear to bed on it, but also pay attention to the sleep environment Oh!

First, in the home is too small, the family shared or collective life is inappropriate when used, because of the tension will lead to the opposite effect. Better to have a relatively secretive, independent environment.

Second, the living environment should be ventilated, suitable temperature, quiet and comfortable, so you can relax and ideologically, to build a good night's sleep premise.

Again, be sure to keep warm, be careful not to catch a cold, decreased resistance to colds when people cold. So pay attention to adjust the temperature and humidity bedroom, to avoid the cold and sweating.

Finally, to moderate softness bedding, mattresses should be clean, fluffy, regular cleaning and receive sunlight, do not wash the quilt sheets are not as personal pajamas.

It is emphasized that: for naked have a correct understanding of the role of one of it's just our way of using healthy sleep, not everyone should use. In addition, naked skin directly exposed to the environment, dust mites and insects can cause skin allergies and asthma incidence, for a specific physical person should be especially careful.