Women lean belly detoxification laxative 7 prescriptions

Constipation, not only will affect their health, but also lead to lower abdomen prominent, do not want to when small "belly" woman, it would have to clean up the body of waste, detoxification.One does have to get up to add moisture to eliminate the effect of constipation, it is recommended to drink two cups of morning fasting warm water, a cup of about 240cc.

Women lean belly detoxification laxative seven prescriptions

Due to the accelerated pace of life, increasing the pressure, and bad habits, and was followed by the body of the first overdraft.There are many women are troubled by constipation, usually excessive accumulation of toxins in the body caused bowel detoxification has become a hot topic of urban women. Xiao Bian introduce seven remedies to help clean up the body of waste, there will be unexpected benefits oh.

Women lean belly detoxification laxative seven prescriptions

Constipation affects not only physical health, but also lead to lower abdomen prominent, do not want to when small "belly" woman, it would have to abdominal weight loss begins! Recommended 9 eliminate constipation small recipe to help you easily detox lean belly.

1,Morning fasting drink France

First, to understand one of the reasons is the lack of water intake constipation, food residue in the intestine is absorbed water constantly, resulting in bowel movements slow. One does have to get up to add moisture to eliminate the effect of constipation, because at night the stomach are at rest, drink plenty of water before the morning without eating, stomach operation quickly than usual, so that water immediately transported to the large intestine, increasing the water content of the stool soft stool also better discharge, it is recommended to drink two cups of morning fasting warm water, a cup of about 240cc.

 Eat an apple in the morning fasting

2, Eat an apple in the morning fasting

Apples are rich in pectin, pectin fruits because there have hardness, pectin gel will absorb moisture for soft stool also have a great effect.

3, Drinking yogur

Cold drinks for people sensitive stomach more exciting, so some people will have diarrhea after drinking, the probiotic yogurt to help digestion is the main reason, which makes cellulose probiotic fermentation in the gut, generate organic acids will promote intestinal peristalsis, but the drawback drinking yogurt market is drinking too much sugar fattening. A cup a day can make the body absorb enough probiotics, if you can make your own DIY yogurt better able to control the sugar content, or select to yogurt fermented soybeans, sugar is also relatively small.

4, roses and candied dry plus open blisters open for water

Dates are rich in pectin, a very soft stools excellent results, and Rose also has the effect of soft stools, plus add moisture, so this drink is effective! But note that the effect of decontamination rose with blood, pregnant women should not drink. In addition, this way once in a while you can, but long-term use will void the intestinal paralysis.

Drink honey water to help defecation

5, Drink honey water to help defecation

Honey is rich in fructose, fructose itself is a good laxative effect, one day as long as 50 grams of fructose intake on the effective, plus enough water to drink, a total of 1,000cc day the body of water, you can Soft will not let dry, this recipe is honey ride 50cc 950cc water deployment.

6, Add brown rice, wheat and other coarse grains in rice

Whole grains are rich in dietary fiber, this non-soluble fiber itself has a stimulating effect movement of the digestive tract, and it can not be broken down by digestive enzymes, it will play a broom efficacy in the gut, increased stool volume will tortuous colon stool scrape down at discharge.

7, Massage stomach

Basically abdominal massage is effective, can promote bowel movement, but not just by good, nutritionist, said to be along the direction of intestinal motility to clockwise circle massage every 10 laps, and strengthen In the lower left corner of the navel, the upper right corner and the bottom left corner that three points, because this place is Campylobacter three positions, pushing 10 before going to bed every day to help lower intestinal doing sports.