Network Spread Lies to Lose Weight You Have To Believe It

Network spread lies to lose weight you have to believe it

You do not know those boundaries lie lose weight, some say subvert our knowledge, so that you lose weight to no avail. Just below the small series with a look!

Network spread lies to lose weight you have to believe it

1, Drink apple cider vinegar to lose weight, is that true? (Fake)

Recently, vinegar has become a popular drink. Net posts, said:. "Vinegar contains a variety of amino acids needed by the body of ten or more organic acids and regular consumption can lower cholesterol, improve the body's immune system, promote blood circulation, anti-bacterial inflammation, prevent colds, skin care, anti-aging, slimming. "Many users have different opinions on this.

Network spread lies to lose weight you have to believe it

Experts said that apple cider vinegar can promote fat metabolism, but if the long-term blind trying to lose weight by drinking apple cider vinegar, not only difficult to achieve the desired slimming effect, but also likely to be self-malic acid in harm health. Consumers before drinking apple cider vinegar, you must master the correct use of apple cider vinegar.

Network spread lies to lose weight you have to believe it

2, The network transmission "raw eggplant can lose weight", is that true? (Fake)

Eat vegetables for health benefits, but does not eat can also affect health.

Network spread lies to lose weight you have to believe it

Recently, a "raw eggplant can lose weight" of the post in the online heat transfer, the quote said: "Because eggplant can be absorbing, raw food will play bowel, fat loss effect." This seemingly logical argument, but also attracted many netizens questioned: "eggplant oil absorption and inhalation of how body fat is a concept?"

Network spread lies to lose weight you have to believe it

Eggplant easily absorbing mainly physical structure, character of the decision, and raw into the digestive system does not maintain the original character, at present, there is no research to prove that eggplant can be eaten raw fat breakdown and metabolism of the body.

Network spread lies to lose weight you have to believe it

Nutrition experts have warned that eggplant contains solanine toxins, if the body of excessive intake, prone to symptoms of acute poisoning. Although a small amount of raw necessarily exhibit harm, but eggplant is best eaten after cooking again.

Network spread lies to lose weight you have to believe it

3, Network transmission, "sit-ups can not eliminate belly fat," Is it true? (True)

Sit-ups are a favorite of many netizens way home fitness. In most people's view, sit-ups, not only can exercise their muscles and coordination, can also eliminate belly fat.

Network spread lies to lose weight you have to believe it

Experts said the main workout crunches waist and abdominal muscles, directly against the abdominal muscles, not to eliminate the effect of abdominal fat. Throughout the weight loss program, less abdominal fat mainly rely on aerobic exercise and a healthy diet.

Network spread lies to lose weight you have to believe it

4, Drink sugar-free beverages and can not lose weight, is that true? (True)

Under the "thin is beautiful" concept of influence, weight loss into many ladies compulsory. Businesses in order to cater to everyone's diet needs, the introduction of more and more "sugar-free" drinks.

Network spread lies to lose weight you have to believe it

Recently, online news, said: "sugar-free drinks are not absolute 'sugar-free', but no help in weight loss." Message one, causing many users to discuss.

Network spread lies to lose weight you have to believe it

From sugar-free carbonated drinks with table view, the calorific value is very low indeed, but that does not mean no sugar. Shamefaced, sucrose sweetener belong, lower sugar content value.

Network spread lies to lose weight you have to believe it

Sweetness sweeteners can interfere with the role of human metabolism, increase people's appetite. In other words, drink sugar-free beverages easy for people to produce the desire to eat more foods containing energy, and many people want to lose weight contrary to the original intention. And these are added to carbonated beverages, drinking too much is not good for the stomach, it will affect digestion.