Travel, Fitness, Was 37 Years Old by the Envy of the World Yoga Beauty

Travel, Fitness, Was 37 Years Old by the Envy of the World Yoga Beauty

14 yoga, her students all over the world, her Instagram over 600,000 followers, in order to let more people know about yoga, she decided to travel around the world while practicing yoga.

Travel, Fitness, Was 37 Years Old by the Envy of the World Yoga Beauty

Travel, Fitness, Was 37 Years Old by the Envy of the World Yoga Beauty

Travel, Fitness, Was 37 Years Old by the Envy of the World Yoga Beauty

Mac Gregory is a yoga teacher, she believes Yoga will give people peace of mind, she wants to put this energy to everyone. She said, don't underestimate the power of one person, because add up 1.1 points, was enough to change the world ...

Travel, Fitness, Was 37 Years Old by the Envy of the World Yoga Beauty

Then she realized, we should let more people understand the power of yoga, and she began a world tour ...

China-Hong Kong

Travel, Fitness, Was 37 Years Old by the Envy of the World Yoga Beauty

Travel, Fitness, Was 37 Years Old by the Envy of the World Yoga Beauty

United States • New York City

Travel, Fitness, Was 37 Years Old by the Envy of the World Yoga Beauty

Travel, Fitness, Was 37 Years Old by the Envy of the World Yoga Beauty

United States • Boston

Travel, Fitness, Was 37 Years Old by the Envy of the World Yoga Beauty

Travel, Fitness, Was 37 Years Old by the Envy of the World Yoga Beauty

United States • Las Vegas

Travel, Fitness, Was 37 Years Old by the Envy of the World Yoga Beauty

Travel, Fitness, Was 37 Years Old by the Envy of the World Yoga Beauty

India • Mysore

Travel, Fitness, Was 37 Years Old by the Envy of the World Yoga Beauty

Travel, Fitness, Was 37 Years Old by the Envy of the World Yoga Beauty


Travel, Fitness, Was 37 Years Old by the Envy of the World Yoga Beauty

Thailand • Bangkok

Travel, Fitness, Was 37 Years Old by the Envy of the World Yoga Beauty

Travel, Fitness, Was 37 Years Old by the Envy of the World Yoga Beauty

Travel, Fitness, Was 37 Years Old by the Envy of the World Yoga Beauty

Italy • Roma

Travel, Fitness, Was 37 Years Old by the Envy of the World Yoga Beauty

Travel, Fitness, Was 37 Years Old by the Envy of the World Yoga Beauty

She said she practiced Yoga for the first time 14 years ago and fell countless times, but each time she stood up without any hesitation because she knows, she will be in the future thanks, now this stubborn self ...