Animal Weight Loss Yoga Month Minus 15 Pounds Without Rebound

Animal Weight Loss Yoga Month Minus 15 Pounds Without Rebound

This small series to share animal weight loss yoga, let you taste losing weight balance, get together and have a look.

Yoga to lose weight is becoming more popular, the small part we share with animals-Yoga conditioning for weight loss, get together and have a look.

动物式减肥瑜伽  月减15斤不反弹

Cat stretch

1. First of all lay on the floor, hands, knees, low posture.

2. Then slowly lift your legs your knees, knees off the floor as possible to 5 cm.

3. The toes point, right hand and left foot moved forward a few inches, then switch legs for hands crawling.

4. The elbow close to the ground as possible. Alternate "creep" for 60 seconds.

动物式减肥瑜伽  月减15斤不反弹


1. Zhang Alive first feet wider than shoulders, keep your head up.

2. Suction side bent on either side of the hip and knee.

3. The squat, knee and toe line, thighs parallel to the floor, hands on the inside of the legs, close to the ground, as if pushing the ground.

4. Double leg stretch, bend the elbows, hands and feet support the body. Repeat this 10 times.

动物式减肥瑜伽  月减15斤不反弹

Crawling insects

1. Stand close to your legs, arms hanging down.

2. Hip as a pivot point, upper body bent down, hands touch forward away from the direction of the foot, glide forward.

3. Feet slide backward, hands and toes support the entire body, keeping back is straight. Repeat this 10 times.

动物式减肥瑜伽  月减15斤不反弹

Crab-Yuen Jin

1. The first tuck sit, legs bent to the left and right leg straight, upper body backwards.

2. Then hold up the body with his right hand, his right arm straight, placed his left hand on the back of the neck.

3. The right arm is bent and heads in his left hand, right leg, knee and right thigh toward your chest as much as possible.

4. Move the right leg near the left knee, hips leaning to the ground as possible. This repeated 10~12 times.

动物式减肥瑜伽  月减15斤不反弹

Frog jumping

1. First stood, feet wider than shoulders, toes outward 45 degrees.

2. The squat, as if sitting in a Chair.

3. Hand clasping his hands in front of chest, shoulders relaxed, keeping abdomen tight.

4. body jumping like a frog and stand on my toes support the body, still hand clasping his hands in front of chest, hold for 3 seconds. Repeat this 15 times.