2015 Detox Out Of Danger Its Star Pro-Test Detox Trick Big Run

After over a year, the human memory is a lot of toxins, constipation, pale yellow, and other minor illnesses are not

2015 Detox Out Of Danger Its Star Pro-Test Detox Trick Big Run

Not to scare you, the average adult body has 3kg ~ 25kg of rubbish! Mainly in the large intestine, liver, kidney, blood, lymph, joints and other organs and cells. If the human body repeatedly comprehensive clean, can be done to remove intestinal accumulation of years of stale feces from 1 to 15 kg, depending on the weight does not include the normal stool! Now it started to clean the body of waste, through effective clean-up, not only to reduce weight, the body will become more healthy, vibrant from. Look at the stars and professional medical circles have any good suggestions for detoxification.

Emma Stone: Walnut Detox

Emma Stone: Walnut Detox

"My secret is the breakfast , it is the energy of the day is beginning. just need to eat a few walnuts every morning, do not lose weight, you can stay in shape, the way the law of detoxification. "

Walnut nutritional value, rich in unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. It can be laxative, to reduce the intestinal absorption of cholesterol, prevent cell aging, it can effectively improve memory, constipation detoxification, anti-aging and moisturizing the skin play a role. But should not eat walnuts, 40g walnuts a day is enough, while others want to reduce fat intake. Edible skin eating walnuts will be more beneficial.

Jennifer Lawrence: Sports Detox

Jennifer Lawrence: Sports Detox

"I was a sports fanatic, detoxification must be preferred sport. Even no matter how busy work, I have to go to the gym every day movement insist 2 hours. Actor can not do health and rest, you can only rely on the movement to restore balance to the body."

The most direct manifestation of the movement detoxification is sweating, the body of toxins can be discharged through the loss of body fluids. Also, exercise can also stimulate the body's organs and hormones, adjust body function, play physical fitness, anti-aging, prevent disease effect, beneficial body detoxification. 30 minutes a day of exercise can bring good health.

TAO: grains Detox

TAO: grains Detox

"I would at home, boil some bursts ah barley, millet porridge kind of coarse grains. Eat whole grains is very good for the body, crude fiber foods can clear the stomach, to prevent the accumulation of fat and toxins in the body."

Whole grains are rich in dietary fiber, they are not absorbed by the stomach, but can accelerate intestinal peristalsis, promote bowel detoxification, reduce skin disease, the skin delicate uniform. Moreover, most of the grains are able to enhance satiety, which cellulose can absorb cholesterol in the intestinal tract, the effect of lowering blood glucose to play, help slimming beauty. You can eat food with the thickness, daily consumption of 85g of coarse grains is conducive to health.

Large s: Breakfast Detox

Large s: Breakfast Detox

"Every morning the oats (with open blisters soft), Uygur raisins and boiled eggs mixed together to eat (not water), continues will feel his body gradually reach the realm of non-toxic, out of danger, bones become robust, ruddy color also it. At the beginning to eat, there is not in the habit may feel dry, but three days will be attached to eat stool, discharge toxins from the body will follow. "

Oats are whole grains, can promote intestinal peristalsis, detoxification laxative effect; raisins have blood clear blood, emollient laxative effect, can add to the body of sugar, play a tonic effect; boiled eggs contain a lot of nutrients the body needs, particularly rich in protein content, to provide the necessary nutrients for the body, protect the liver, anti-aging.

Liv Tyler: Massage Detox

Liv Tyler: Massage Detox

"I have every day before breakfast will beat large intestine, there is a strong detoxifying effect, can help the body metabolize toxins deposited in the night."

Located outside the upper large intestine through, large intestine through the maintenance of the large intestine is the best way to beat the stimulus. Massage can make stool through the large intestine, to ensure timely removal of toxins. Beat colon should stimulate the large intestine along the route through the line by tapping, tapping a once a day, every 12 minutes or so, his hands alternately.

Julia Binoche: Acupuncture Detoxification

Julia Binoche: Acupuncture Detoxification

"My master will be at the navel of acupuncture with palm clockwise counterclockwise massage massage under 50 under 50, he used a very simple way to reach a very wonderful effect. Together with acupuncture once a week, not only the body of the poison can be discharged In vitro, but also the body rule of law evolved metabolism, self-detoxification, lasting a constant you will see results. "

Different acupuncture points to stimulate the meridians, regulate endocrine and body balance, effectively enhance the body's functions. There is also to speed up the body's metabolism, eliminate toxins, so to reach a healthy weight conditioning from the inside out. But there are different acupuncture points on different physical, keep up the good doctor to confirm before acupuncture.

Stephanie: vegetable detox

Stephanie: vegetable detox

"I am more greedy, but I'll often eat to help detox diet, can help rid usually improper use of cosmetics and the presence of toxins in vegetables is a good choice."

Vegetables rich in moisture content, but also contains a lot of vitamins and fiber. Vitamins can add the necessary nutrients the body, to replenish skin moisture, beauty beauty of great help. The cellulose can help the body to drain away toxins and reduce the accumulation of fat, prolong satiety time, so as to achieve a slimming effect. Vegetables is good, but not disposable eating too much.

Emma Watson: Lemon Detox

Emma Watson: Lemon Detox

? "You tried to do lemonade lemonade detox not only effectively excluded from the body of harmful substances, White Brightening, bowel, as well as the role of appetite, thirst and watered daily cup I've developed a habit of focusing on: Do not use hot water to soak, so will lose flavor and nutritional value of lemon detox effect will not achieve the best value. "

Lemon is rich in citric acid and vitamin C, enhance digestion, absorption balance adjustment effect. Vitamins can also prevent and eliminate skin pigmentation, played the role of whitening. With fresh lemon water to drink very beneficial to the body, the right to drink can dissolve excess fat, clear the body of waste and toxins, promote metabolism. But citric acid is strong, not excessive drinking, every day can not exceed 1000ml.Gastric ulcer and who should not be drinking.

Fukada: Banana Detox

Fukada: Banana Detox

"Banana peel in the melanin may be polyphenols, while plant polyphenolic polymers are important biological antioxidants, has the effect of anti-aging process. So throw away the skin blackened bananas is very unwise : If you want to eat better detoxification and anti-aging effects of bananas, may wish to put a few days, and then the entrance and other banana skin began when black. "

Bananas contain toxic substances in the human body can resolve oxide activity, improve immune chemicals that can play detoxifies role of physical fitness. So when people ingest bananas, the body of the white blood cells will be stimulated, so that an increase in the number of white blood cells, activity accelerated. The blackened banana skin to make the body produce five times the number of white blood cells is a new banana, better play the role of cancer. But not excessive consumption of bananas, bananas fasting would be inappropriate.

2015 Detox Out Of Danger Its Star Pro-Test Detox Trick Big Run

Of Age (famous Chinese medicine experts in Beijing Tang Tangzhu Magnolia officinalis): The most healthy detoxification burden is to have a good balance of regular daily life.

Many popular detoxification methods are one-sided. Body is a sophisticated instrument, has a unique metabolic detoxification and scientific systems. We do not highlight the operating speed of a link, but to ensure the healthy state of the entire body of work. I do not agree with the long-term by drinking vegetable juice detox, most vegetable juices are very cold, the long run will hurt the digestive tract. I do not often agree with enemas to lose weight, it will disrupt the intestinal flora microenvironment. Good drainage is the rest festival, eat a balanced diet. Let the healthy functioning of various body parts can be, there is no need to worry about detoxification specialist.

-: How to live a regular :- 

2015 Detox Out Of Danger Its Star Pro-Test Detox Trick Big Run

Normal daily routine, to ensure sleep

During the night the body metabolism and detoxification organ time, especially during sleep most exuberant. If the body late at night without a break, organs can only catch the body's normal functioning. Organ can not play a detoxification effect of toxins gather long-term harm to the human body in the past.

Normal sleep schedule means time to get up every day and should be stable, regular. First, when the sleep obediently went to bed, get up when not stay in bed, generally in relation to sleep before 23:00, preferably not more than 12 points; the second is to ensure that adults should have 7-8 hours of sleep a day time.

2015 Detox Out Of Danger Its Star Pro-Test Detox Trick Big Run

Guarantee three meals a day, regular meals

Three meals a day is a day to ensure that our most important source of strength and energy. No matter how busy or tired to ensure quantitative regular meals, not eat, and do not eat too much, to ensure the normal three meals a day time.

Normal and regular meals should be breakfast 7:00, 12:30 lunch, dinner 6:00, four hours before going to bed can not eat. Each meal should be based on the amount of 30%, 40% and 30%, nutritious breakfast to eat, want to eat lunch and dinner will have to eat less. Each meal should be balanced nutrition, including grains, fruits and vegetables, milk and meat.

2015 Detox Out Of Danger Its Star Pro-Test Detox Trick Big Run

Ensure proper movement

Physical and mental exercise can help us to adjust and improve physical fitness. A little time out of each day for proper exercise and stick to it, let it become a part of life. Take advantage of sporting opportunities usual, climbing stairs, walking to work, with friends and regular exercise is good exercise. Twelve days of the campaign is not effective, long-term adherence to let his body good changes.

2015 Detox Out Of Danger Its Star Pro-Test Detox Trick Big Run

Every day to give yourself a little time to relax

Very busy, tired of life, but at the same time we must learn to relax. Regular life should have tight loose, adjust to each other. Give yourself a little time each day to stay quiet cup of tea, listen to songs, or leisure, entertainment, chat with others, they can play a very good adjustment to life, and improve quality of life.

2015 Detox Out Of Danger Its Star Pro-Test Detox Trick Big Run

Make plans and arrangements

On his life and work have a clear plan and arrangements. Thus, at the time of implementation can be handy, do not rush. You will know at what time that you do, a regular job will make your life more organized.